

Timepoints are a list of possible instances in time where a candidate can visit or contact a site with the purpose of undergoing any form of data collection.

Timepoint and Visit are terms used interchangeably in LORIS (the preferred term is Timepoint). Timepoints are defined in the Visit_Windows and visit tables of the database as well as the <visitLabel> tags in the config.xml.

Adding Timepoint Options

Front End

not yet available


The Visit_Windows table lists the timepoints in the study and adds some study-specific age ranges defined for each timepoint. This table must be populated with visit labels for the proper functioning of LORIS. To populate the table with visit labels insert study-specific information as follows:

INSERT INTO Visit_Windows (Visit_label,  WindowMinDays, WindowMaxDays, OptimumMinDays, OptimumMaxDays, WindowMidpointDays) VALUES ('V1', 0, 100, 40, 60, 50);

If age is not a critical factor in study timepoint scheduling, define Min and Max values as NULL.

In event where the timepoints are already defined in the config.xml (see Interaction With Loris section below), run tools/single_use/populate_visit_windows.php to automatically import the visit labels into the Visit_Windows table.

The visit table lists all the timepoints. This table must be populated with visit labels for the proper functioning of LORIS. To populate with timepoints insert information as follows:

INSERT INTO visit (VisitName) VALUES ('V1');


not yet available. See API documentation for latest additions

Interaction With LORIS


Timepoints should be assigned to cohorts in order to be able to create timepoints for candidates. This association should be defined in the visit_project_cohort_rel table of the database.