

The Project represents a study in LORIS and can have different cohorts (see Cohort setup page) which, in turn, can be affiliated with different visits (see Timepoints setup page).

Projects are defined in the Project table of the database.

Adding Project Options

Projects are defined in the Configuration module, which can be found in LORIS under the Admin menu tab. Follow the steps below to create your own study projects.

  1. To define project labels and recruitment targets, within the Configuration module click on the link at the top of the page indicating To configure study projects click here.

  2. For each project, enter the project label and recruitment target (optional), and click save.

Deleting a defined project can only be done through the project table in the MySQL back end.


Projects can be added directly in SQL using the following command. The recruitmentTarget field is optional but should be set when the information is available.

INSERT INTO Project (Name, recruitmentTarget) VALUES('%PROJECT_NAME%', NULL);


not yet available. See API documentation for latest additions

Interaction With LORIS

Projects can have a direct effect on some LORIS modules where users will only be able to access data affiliated with their own projects.